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Spanish songs translated into English

Lloran las rosas de Cristian Castro in English

Lloran las rosas

(The roses are crying)

Lloran las rosas

The roses are crying

El rocĂ­o ya se ha convertido en lĂĄgrimas

The dew has already converted into tears

Te me has ido

You've left

Te he perdido

I've lost you

Lloran las rosas

The roses are crying

Llora mi alma

My soul is crying

Va gimiendo con las alas recortadas

It's moaning with its clipped wings

Te me has ido

You've left

Te he perdido

I've lost you

Llora mi alma

My soul is crying

LĂĄgrimas que ahogan mi corazĂłn

Tears that are choking my heart

LĂĄgrimas, palabras del alma

Tears, words from my soul

LĂĄgrimas, mi mudo lenguaje de amor

Tears, my mute language of love

Lloran las rosas

The roses are crying

Porque no puedo estar sin ti

Because I can't be without you

Y lloran celosas

They're crying jealous

De que no quieras ya venir

Cause you don't want to come back

Y entre otras cosas

And among other things

Yo lloro por ti

I'm crying for you

Falta el perfume de tu piel por donde anduve

I miss the perfume of your skin I've been on

La silueta que veĂ­a cuando tĂș dormĂ­as

Your silhouette that I used to see when you were sleeping

LĂĄgrimas que ahogan mi corazĂłn

Tears that are choking my heart

LĂĄgrimas, palabras del alma

Tears, words from my soul

LĂĄgrimas, mi mudo lenguaje de amor

Tears, my mute language of love

Lloran las rosas

The roses are crying

Porque no puedo estar sin ti

Because I can't be without you

Y lloran celosas

They're crying jealous

De que no quieras ya venir

Cause you don't want to come back

Y entre otras cosas, yo lloro por ti

And among other things

Yo lloro por ti

I'm crying for you

(Lloran las rosas, lloran)

The roses are crying

Porque no puedo estar sin ti

Because I can't be without you

(Lloran las rosas, lloran)

The roses are crying

De que no quieras ya venir

Cause you don't want to come back

(Lloran las rosas, lloran)

The roses are crying

Yo lloro por ti

I'm crying for you

Cristian Castro - Lloran las rosas