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The best Spanish riddles

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The best Spanish riddles

Who said language studies shouldn't be fun? Riddle in Spanish is «adivinanza». Riddles are challenging enough in English. Take a riddle and put it into Spanish and it's even harder. But trust me, you can do it!

Below you will find a selection of Spanish riddles with answers. As well as making you laugh, they might help with your Spanish learning, and teach you some new words. How many can you solve without looking up the answer? Let's get started!

1) Salto cuando camino y me siento cuando estoy de pie. ¿Qué soy?

I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?

El canguro = A kangaroo.

Funny Spanish Riddles

2) ¿Qué tiene cuatro patas y no puede caminar?

What has four legs but can't walk?

La mesa = A table.

Funny Spanish Riddles

3) ¿Qué hay que romper antes de poder usarlo?

What has to be broken before you can use it?

El huevo = An egg.

Funny Spanish Riddles

4) Quítame la piel y no lloraré, pero tú sí. ¿Qué soy?

Take off my skin and I won't cry, but you will. What am I?

La cebolla = An onion.

Funny Spanish Riddles

5) ¿Qué tiene cuello pero no cabeza?

What has a neck but no head?

La botella = A bottle.

Funny Spanish Riddles

6) ¿Qué le dijo el número cero al número ocho?

What did the number zero say to the number eight?

Me gusta tu cinturón = I like your belt.

Funny Spanish Riddles

7) ¿Qué le dijo una pulga a otra pulga?

What did one flea say to the other flea?

¿Vamos de pie o esperamos al perro? = Shall we walk or take a dog?

Funny Spanish Riddles

8) Tiene un ojo y no puede ver. ¿Qué es?

It has an eye but cannot see at all. What is it?

La aguja = A needle.

Funny Spanish Riddles

9) ¿Qué es lo que sube y nunca baja?

What goes up but never comes down?

Tu edad = Your age.

Funny Spanish Riddles

10) ¿Puedes dejar caer un vaso lleno y no derramar agua?

Can you drop a full glass and spill no water?

Sí, si el vaso está lleno de leche.
Yes, when the glass is full of milk.

Funny Spanish Riddles

11) Puedo hacer dos personas de una. ¿Qué soy?

I can make two people out of one. What am I?

El espejo = A mirror.

Funny Spanish Riddles

12) Si me tienes, quieres compartirme. Si me compartes, ya no me tienes. ¿Qué soy?

If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you no longer have me. What am I?

El secreto = Secret.

Funny Spanish Riddles

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