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Christmas jokes in Spanish

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Funny Christmas jokes in Spanish

Funny Christmas jokes are the perfect way to get into the holiday spirit, and I've got some good ones for you in this post. As well as making you laugh, they might help with your Spanish learning, and teach you some new words. Besides, after the year we've all had, we could all use an extra dose of Christmas cheer!

1) La pesadilla después de la Navidad.

  The nightmare after Christmas.

Christmas Jokes in Spanish

2) Quisiera un trabajo.

  I would like a job.

Christmas Jokes in Spanish

3) La mejor foto para mi tarjeta navideña.

  Best Christmas card photo ever.

Christmas Jokes in Spanish

4) Odio cuando los duendes ayudan a decorar el árbol de Navidad.

  I hate when the elves help decorate the Christmas tree.

Christmas Jokes in Spanish

5) ¡Amigo! Tengo un montón de seguidores en línea y todos quieren invitarme a cenar.

  Dude! I have a ton of online followers and they all want to have me over for dinner.

Christmas Jokes in Spanish

6) No vas a salir de la casa así.

  You're not leaving the house like that.

Christmas Jokes in Spanish

7) Bueno, o haces dieta o contratas más renos.

  Well, either you diet or hire more reindeer.

Christmas Jokes in Spanish

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