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Breakfast Foods in Spanish

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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It'll be useful to learn breakfast words in Spanish if you're planning to travel to any Spanish-speaking country or just to share your experiences with native speakers. In this lesson, we'll study the most important vocabulary related to breakfast.

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Los alimentos del desayuno

(Breakfast foods)

In the table below you will see the main words you need to describe your breakfast in Spanish, with their corresponding definite articles to indicate whether the nouns are masculine or feminine, but you do not need to use them when describing your breakfast. If the gender of the noun is masculine it is represented in blue, if it is feminine it is represented in red.

English Spanish
Bread el pan
Toast la tostada
French toast la tostada francesa
Milk la leche
Almond milk la leche de almendras
Soy Milk la leche de soya
Coffee el café
Hot chocolate el chocolate caliente
Tea el té
Juice el jugo
Smoothie el batido, el licuado
Orange juice el jugo de naranja
Cereal el cereal
Oatmeal la avena
Peanut butter la mantequilla de maní
Butter la mantequilla
Cheese el queso
Yogurt el yogur
Jam la mermelada
Jelly la mermelada
Honey la miel
Sugar el azúcar
Sweetener el edulcorante, el endulzante
Pancake el panqueque
Sandwich el sándwich
Ham el jamón
Bacon el tocino
Sausage la salchicha
Egg el huevo
Fried eggsHuevos fritos huevos fritos
Boiled eggs huevos duros, huevos cocidos
Scrambled eggs huevos revueltos
Omelet la tortilla

Breakfast foods in Spanish

Example sentences:

  • ¿Qué hay para desayunar hoy?
    What’s for breakfast today?

  • ¿Qué quieres desayunar?
    What do you want for breakfast?

  • He preparado unos panqueques y tocino.
    (I've made some pancakes and bacon)

  • ¿Quieres jugo de naranja o café?
    (Do you want orange juice or coffee?)

  • Siempre desayuno antes de ir a la escuela.
    (I always have breakfast before going to school)

  • Siempre desayuno antes de ir al trabajo.
    (I always have breakfast before going to work)

  • Siempre desayuno después de hacer ejercicios.
    (I always have breakfast after I work out)

  • ¿Quieres tostada francesa para el desayuno?
    (Would you like french toast for breakfast?)

  • Suelo desayunar a las siete y media de la mañana.
    (I usually have breakfast at half past seven in the morning)

  • No me gustan los huevos duros, prefiero los huevos fritos.
    (I don’t like hard-boiled eggs, I prefer fried eggs)

  • Me encanta tomar jugo de naranja por la mañana.
    (I love drinking orange juice in the morning)

  • ¿Quieres mantequilla o mermelada en tu tostada?
    Do you want butter or jelly on your toast?

  • El desayuno es la primera y más importante comida del día.
    (Breakfast is the first and the most important meal of the day)

  • ¡Nunca me despierto a tiempo! Y siempre desayuno con prisa.
    (I never wake up in time! And I always have breakfast in a hurry)

  • Desayuné pan tostado con mermelada de fresa y un vaso de leche.
    (I had toasted bread with strawberry jam, and a glass of milk for breakfast)

  • Desayuné dos huevos, una tostada y un vaso de jugo de naranja.
    (I had two eggs, a piece of toast and a glass of orange juice for breakfast)

  • Generalmente, tomo cereales con leche fría y tostadas para desayunar.
    (Usually, I have cereal with cold milk and toast for breakfast)

  • Mi esposa me prepara sándwiches para el desayuno que llevo al trabajo.
    (My wife makes me breakfast sandwiches that I take to work)

  • Normalmente tomo café con leche para desayunar, pero mi esposa prefiere té.
    (I normally have coffee with milk for breakfast, but my wife prefers tea)

  • Me despierto a las 7 en punto, me ducho, me visto y desayuno a las 7.30 todos los días.
    (I wake up at 7 o'clock. I take a shower. I get dressed and have breakfast at 7.30 every day)

  • Un sándwich se hace con dos rebanadas de pan, con jamón, queso, tomate y lechuga entre ellas.
    (A sandwich is made of two slices of bread with ham, cheese, tomato and lettuce between them)

  • Siempre se dice que uno debe desayunar como un rey, almorzar como un príncipe y cenar como un pobre. ¡Es cierto!
    (It is always said that one should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. It's true!)


  • In Spanish we use the word desayuno to refer to both the meal and the verb «to have breakfast». This means we can conjugate desayunar with all the pronouns.
  • If someone ask you: What do you prefer to have in the morning? You can reply with: «Prefiero tomar» una taza de yogur. (I prefer to have a cup of yogurt).
  • To specify the type of juice, say «jugo de + fruit». For example: jugo de naranja (orange juice), jugo de piña (pineapple juice), jugo de toronja (grapefruit juice), etc.

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