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Moods and Emotions in Spanish

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Talking about one's feelings is an inseparable part of our daily communication. That's why learning some of the most commonly used words to describe moods and emotions in Spanish is very important. You will find a lot of sentences so that you become familiar with what you have just learned and they will help you express yourself in Spanish conversation. As in English, words to describe emotions are usually adjectives. Remember to practice every day.

Los estados de ánimo y las emociones

(Moods and emotions in Spanish)

In the table below you will see the most commonly used words to describe moods and emotions in Spanish. If the gender of the noun is masculine it is represented in blue, if it is feminine it is represented in fuchsia.

English Spanish
Masculine Femenine
Glad Contento Contenta
Proud Orgulloso Orgullosa
Bored Aburrido Aburrida
Lazy Perezoso Perezosa
Surprised Sorprendido Sorprendida
Amazed Asombrado Asombrada
Embarrassed Avergonzado Avergonzada
Angry Enojado Enojada
Annoyed Molesto Molesta
Furious Furioso Furiosa
Thoghtful Pensativo Pensativa
In love Enamorado Enamorada
Relieved Aliviado Aliviada
Excited Emocionado Emocionada
Enthusiastic Entusiasmado Entusiasmada
Delighted Encantado Encantada
Playful Juguetón Juguetona
Dizzy Mareado Mareada
Confused Confundido Confundida
Worried Preocupado Preocupada
Nervous Nervioso Nerviosa
Anxious Ansioso Ansiosa
Tired Cansado Cansada
Exhausted Agotado Agotada
Scared Asustado Asustada
Frightened Aterrado Aterrada
Groggy Aturdido Aturdida

English Spanish
Masculine Femenine
Happy Feliz
Joyful Alegre
Sad Triste

Moods and Emotions in Spanish

Example sentences:

  • I'm bored, let's go to the cinema.
    (Estoy aburrido, vamos al cine)

  • Un abrazo tuyo me haría muy feliz.
    (A hug from you would make me very happy)

  • Estoy contento de saber que vendrás.
    (I'm glad to hear that you are coming)

  • Estaba asustado y no me importa admitirlo.
    (I was scared and I don't mind admitting it)

  • Mi hijo estaba avergonzado por sus malas notas.
    (My son was embarrassed about his bad grades)

  • Mi hermano es la persona más perezosa que conozco.
    (My brother is the laziest person I know)

  • Estoy enojada con mi hermana por haber cogido mi libro.
    (I am angry with my sister for taking my book)

  • Me pongo muy nerviosa cuando hablo delante de la clase.
    (I get really nervous when speaking in front of the class)

  • Desde que terminó su matrimonio, María ha estado triste.
    (Since his marriage ended, Mary has been sad)

  • Nos sentimos tan aliviados de saber que habían llegado bien.
    (We were so relieved to learn that they'd arrived safely)

  • Eduardo está muy entusiasmado por empezar la universidad.
    (Eduardo is very enthusiastic about starting college)

  • Estaba cansada de trabajar todo el día y no quise preparar la cena.
    (I was tired from working all day, and didn't want to cook dinner)

  • Estaba preocupado por el resultado de mis exámenes, pero me fue bien.
    (I was worried about my exam results, but I did well)

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