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Parts of the body in Spanish

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Las partes del cuerpo

(Parts of the body)

Here is some essential vocabulary to talk about parts of your body in Spanish, from top to bottom. The three main parts are: the head, the trunk and the limbs. At the end of this lesson we recommend you to do these exercises about the new words you've learned today.

Parts of the head in Spanish

In the table below you will find the parts of the head in Spanish with their corresponding definite articles. If the gender of the noun is masculine it is represented in blue, if it is feminine it is represented in red.

Inglés Español
Head La cabeza
Hair El cabello
Face La cara
Forehead La frente
Eye El ojo
Eyes Los ojos
Eyebrow La ceja
Eyelash La pestaña
Eyelid El párpado
Ear La oreja
Nose La nariz
Mouth La boca
Lip El labio
Tooth El diente
Teeth Los dientes
Tongue La lengua
Jaw La madíbula
Cheek La mejilla
Chin La barbilla, el mentón
Beard La barba
Mustache El bigote

Parts of the trunk and limbs in Spanish

In the table below you will find the parts of the trunk and limbs in Spanish with their corresponding definite articles. If the gender of the noun is masculine it is represented in blue, if it is feminine it is represented in red.

Inglés Español
Neck El cuello
Shoulder El hombro
Spine La columna vertebral
Chest El pecho
Breast El seno
Back La espalda
Hip La cadera
Navel El ombligo
Arm El brazo
Elbow El codo
Hand La mano
Thigh El muslo
Vagina La vagina
Penis El pene
Leg La pierna
Knee La rodilla
Ankle El tobillo
Heel El talón
Foot El pie
Feet Los pies

Parts of the hand in Spanish

In the table below you will find the parts of the hand in Spanish with their corresponding definite articles. If the gender of the noun is masculine it is represented in blue, if it is feminine it is represented in red.

Inglés Español
Hand La mano
Palm La palma
Wrist La muñeca
Finger El dedo
Fingers Los dedos
Thumb El pulgar
Index finger El dedo índice
Middle finger El dedo medio
El dedo corazón
Ring finger El dedo anular
Little finger El meñique
Fingernail La uña

Parts of the body in Spanish

Examples sentences in Spanish

  • Ella tiene unos ojos verdes preciosos
    (She's got beautiful green eyes)

  • Él se lastimó el brazo jugando al tenis.
    (He hurt his arm playing tennis)

  • Me duele la pierna tras la larga carrera.
    (My leg is hurting after the long race)

  • Mi hermano menor perdió un par de dientes.
    (My little brother lost a couple of teeth)

  • Mi papá tenía callos enormes en los talones.
    (My dad had huge calluses on his heels)

  • El cuello conecta la cabeza con el tronco.
    (The neck connects the head to the body)

  • Comí demasiado y ahora me duele el estómago.
    (I ate too much and now my stomach hurts)

  • Sophia se rompió el brazo esquiando en la montaña.
    (Sophia broke her arm skiing on the mountain)

  • Se rompió uno de los dedos de su mano derecha.
    (He broke one of the fingers on his right hand)

  • A Cindy le picó una abeja en el antebrazo derecho.
    (Cindy got stung by a bee on her right forearm)

  • Las cejas de Alice son finas y sus pestañas largas.
    (Alice's eyebrows are thin and her eyelashes are long)

  • Es importante calentar los músculos antes de un entrenamiento.
    (It's important to warm up the muscles before a workout)

  • Él estaba tan nervioso que podía oír los latidos de su corazón.
    (He was so nervous that he could hear his heart beating)

  • A Carlos le dolía la rodilla y tuvo que ir al médico.
    (Carlos had a pain in his knee, and had to go to the doctor)

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QUIZ: Parts of the body in Spanish

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