Geocentric versus Heliocentric

Geocentric vs Heliocentric

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Quiz: Geocentric and Heliocentric theory

Test your knowledge about these two models of the universe with this useful and educational quiz based on twelve questions. If you haven't seen our lesson about geocentric and heliocentric model of the universe yet, we recommend to review it, so you can figure it out easily.

1) This image shows a ____________ model of the universe.

Geocentric & Heliocentric Model Quiz

2) Who postulated a geocentric model using epicycles, deferents and equants?

Geocentric & Heliocentric Model Quiz

3) According to Copernicus, the reason we see the Sun rising in the East and setting in the West is due to __________.

Geocentric & Heliocentric Model Quiz

4) This image shows a ____________ model of the universe.

Geocentric & Heliocentric Model Quiz

5) Which correctly lists two scientists who supported the heliocentric model of the universe?

Geocentric & Heliocentric Model Quiz

6) In the model proposed by Copernicus, how many planets revolved around the Earth?

Geocentric & Heliocentric Model Quiz

7) Galileo discovered the four largest moons of Saturn, now known as the Galilean satellites.

Geocentric & Heliocentric Model Quiz

8) Who discovered that the orbits of the planets are elliptical and not circular?

Geocentric & Heliocentric Model Quiz

9) The first person to use a telescope for astronomy was ____________.

Geocentric & Heliocentric Model Quiz

10) The Earth travels fastest in its orbit in January, when it is the closest to the Sun. This can be understood through an application of ________.

Geocentric & Heliocentric Model Quiz

11) Galileo found Venus went through the entire phase cycle, proving that Venus orbited the Sun.

Geocentric & Heliocentric Model Quiz

12) Who was put on trial by the Catholic Inquisition for promoting heliocentric theory?

Geocentric & Heliocentric Model Quiz

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