Earth Day 2023

Earth Day 2023

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Earth Day 2023

Every year Earth Day is celebrated on April 22. It is an annual celebration that honors the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of the need to protect Earths natural resources for future generations. Since 1970, Earth Day has been celebrated across the globe through mobilization for environmental causes.

The theme for Earth Day 2023 is «Invest in our Planet», continuing last year's theme that focused on the effects of climate change on the planet that we all share and what efforts are being made in the real world to mitigate it.

For over 50 years, Earth Day has been celebrated around the world, by people who come together due to a common cause: helping the planet. People are concerned about the threat of global warming, the need for clean renewable energy sources; in order to make a sustainable future for their children.

The History of Earth Day

It all started in 1970, when U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson established this date to create global awareness of the problems of overpopulation, pollution, destruction of biodiversity and other environmental adversities.

The first massive celebration of Earth Day took place on April 22, 1970, under the impulse of Nelson and with the specific objective of asking the United States Government to create an environmental protection agency that would be in charge of ensuring the preservation of natural resources.

Primer Día de la Tierra de 1970

The first Earth Day led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as well as the passage of first of their kind environmental laws, such as the National Environmental Education Act and the Clean Air Act. In the years following, other acts and laws were passed to protect our environment and the people and animals that live in it.

By 1990, Earth Day went global as 200 million people in 141 countries celebrated Earth Day by calling attention to various environmental issues. Today, Earth Day is one of the largest secular observances in the world with over 1 billion people participating each year.

The countdown has started

Governments around the world have committed to working towards carbon neutrality, but implementation is falling behind schedule. Everyone knows that there is an urgent need to keep global temperature rise below 1.5°C, but our planet has already warmed by 1.1°C above pre-industrial levels and, all else being equal, it is possible that by the year 2030 we will be closer to reaching 1.5 ℃.

Earth Day
Earth Day
Earth Day

WWF's Living Planet Report 2022 has revealed that global wildlife populations have plummeted by 69% on average since 1970. The effect of habitat loss and biodiversity loss not only puts species at Danger of extinction. It is imperative to increase the health, diversity and resilience of species, populations and ecosystems.

Ecosystems support all life on Earth. The healthier our ecosystems are, the healthier the planet and its people. Restoring our damaged ecosystems will help to end poverty, combat climate change and prevent mass extinction. But we will only succeed if everyone plays a part.

Save the Earth

Time is running fast and against us. This decade must be the turning point where we recognize the value of nature and prioritize its recovery along with that of our climate.

For this International Mother Earth Day, let's remimd ourselves - more than ever - that we need a shift to a more sustainable economy that works for both people and the planet.

Earth Day activity ideas

Earth Day 2023 will center on accelerating solutions to combat our greatest threat, climate change, and to activate everyone (governments, citizens, and businesses) to do their part.

You might think protecting the Earth is a monumental task. But believe it or not, there are many things we can all do to make a difference. Even small changes can have a big impact.

Earth Day
  • It's a good day to plant a tree.
  • Use a bicycle and public transportation.
  • Keep in mind the three Rs: Recycle, Reduce and Reuse.
  • Replace incandescent lamps with energy-saving bulbs.
  • Promote renewable energy and reduce the use of fossil fuels.
  • Teach children the importance of caring for the environment.
  • Eat less meat and ultra-processed products. You will also improve your health.
  • Change your usual cleaning products for more ecological ones.
  • Stop using plastic bags and use reusable cloth bags.
  • Practice sports outdoors and in contact with nature.

Did you know?

  • The planet is losing 4.7 million hectares of forests every year – an area larger than Denmark.
  • A healthy ecosystem helps to protect us from these diseases. Biological diversity makes it difficult for pathogens to spread rapidly.
  • It is estimated that around one million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction.